May : 29

Daily Log for May, 29 of each year.


  • 8:30am Happy Memorial Day! I did not have any major plans for this weekend, I am still in the grindset mode but my sleep schedule is still a mess.
  • 11:00am - Going to look over that Magic shell script that Ziggy found and see if I can add that into KBVE. One of the ideas I was having for it was to integrate a basic GPT into the questions that the user types into the application? So it combines the audio return of yes / no but also gives you a GPT generated response via the typewriter effect. Its a bit tough to describe the product, as I can already see how to build it out within my head. Putting the pieces together will be the focus.
  • 4:00pm - Quick league matches with the homies, doing some chores and then going back to updating some of the applications.
  • 5:00pm - One of the things that has been stopping the puppeteer from scraping is anti-bot protections that websites have. So I am thinking of ways of going around it, not for any other reason but science. Within the industry, this is known as the Cat and Mouse game, where developers on both, red and blue teams, are trying to beat each other.
  • 9:30pm - Going to see if I can get a mock version of the magic conch shell up and running! There are two ways I could do the background image of bikini bottom, I could add it into the background scene or I could load it.


Chaos and Order are not enemies, only opposites. — Richard Garriott


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