BizopsBizops Deploy by VOID or Other #business #design #moneyBusiness Operations notes created by h0lybyte and Ziggy9263.
DeadCodeDeadCode Deploy by VOID or Other #deadcode #theoryDeadCode is a theory that focuses on learning from archived code.
FinTechFinTech Deploy by VOID or Other #financial #tech #dataWe are breaking down and noting the different theories within fintech.
Theory of GameDesignTheory of GameDesign Deploy by VOID or Other #gaming #design #theoryWe found the area of game design to be extremely interesting and would consider life has a form of gamification. Capitalism is a hardcore survival game, where your hard earn bucks get taken away by greed.
HealthcareHealthcare Deploy by VOID or Other #healthcare #social #dataDebate letter that combines several text transformers into a unique article.
MatrixMatrix Deploy by VOID or Other #concept #management #taskKBVE Matrix is based upon the Eisenhower Matrix and git.
PhytochemicalsPhytochemicals Deploy by VOID or Other #food #healthPolyphenols are a group of natural compounds found in plants that have unique properties within health and industry.
ProgrammingProgramming Deploy by VOID or Other #programming #theory #resourcesProgramming Notes and Resources
Social Media ToxicitySocial Media Toxicity Deploy by VOID or Other #social #media #mentalTheory on the toxicity of social media and steps on improving its depths within our mental state.
SolarPunkSolarPunk Deploy by VOID or Other #design #dev #promptSolarPunk is a hybrid movement within the technological and environmental eco-systems, with emphasis on utilizing nature.
Guerilla Open Access ManifestoGuerilla Open Access Manifesto Deploy by VOID or Other #open #research #theoryGuerilla Open Access Manifesto by Aaron Swartz